Rewarding progress
Values (In addition to Priory Organisation Values)
C – Creativity
R – Resilience
I – Independence
T – Teamwork
A – Aspirations
The values underpin the rewards system within Clay Hill. Within our daily rhetoric we reinforce these values, that are acknowledged and planned for within all lessons.
Each value is linked to a CRITA charater: Cleo, Rita, Izzy, Trev and Arlo. When pupils demonstrate any of the values they receive a CRITA token to put into their CRITA bank. These CRITA tokens then add up to rewards for the children that are meaningful and show they are making progress in key areas that will promote success as they develop as young people.
Working in consultation with young people
All of the young people at Clay Hill School have the opportunity to attend our weekly children and young persons’ meetings. Pupils also have the chance, as a group, to contribute many areas of the school and the way it is run (e.g. anti-bullying policy, activities, routines, finance and menus).
Pupil Progress
Academic and personal development is the key driver for our school. Each half term, the Deputy Head holds pupil progress reviews with all Class Teachers to discuss both the academic and personal progress the young people are making. This includes information from summative assessments, teacher assessments and personal development trackers.
Empowering young people to make a choice
A lot of the young people with us at Clay Hill School have anxiety-driven conditions. Staff are very mindful that, often, these anxieties are further triggered by a fear of being let down, left alone, or failing. The approach at Clay Hill School is always for teaching and care staff to remain calm, in control and to challenge behaviour with discussion, calm talking and a consistent message.
We aim to empower our young people with a consistent message that life is about the choices they make: When you make the right choice, good things happen but there will be consequences if you make the wrong one.