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Transitioning services

Since opening its doors, Clay Hill School has supported each of its school leavers into either an adult supported provision, further education or apprenticeship training. To ensure our pupils have the best possible preparation for life, Clay Hill School puts a range of programmes in place for each young person which are specific to their needs and will maximise their achievement and personal development.

Looking to the future from day one

We recognise the importance of planning transitions long before a young person is due to leave the school. Typically transition planning will start around 18 months before a pupil is expected to leave, with initial discussions held during annual reviews and at other formal meetings.

Where possible, we will support learners in starting to make their transition whilst they are still attending the school. For example, pupils moving on to further education will start a gradual programme of attendance at their chosen college. Similarly, we will support the search for work for young people wanting to move straight into employment, if this is appropriate.

Where do our young people move on to?

When a pupil starts with us at Clay Hill School, they may remain until the end of the academic year in which they turn 19. However, they may leave at an earlier point depending on their individual progress, pathway and local authority policy.

Our sister site, Coxlease, offers a post-16 education provision in which our pupils are able to transition into once leaving Clay Hill. Our post-16 provision, the skills centre, is based on an alternative site nearby. However, our post-16 provision also works with a variety of local FE provisions and colleges and arranges for learning to take place at these provisions, supported by our Post-16 Team.

A coordinated approach

Whilst our SENCO oversees the transitions process for Clay Hill School pupils, we understand that successful transitions are those which consider the interests and views of all interested parties. As such, the school strives to involve a range of internal staff and external partners in transition planning to develop, agree, monitor and adjust plans. Typically, transition planning will involve:

  • The young person
  • Parents/carers
  • Clay Hill School SENCO
  • Clay Hill School education team
  • Clay Hill School residential team (where applicable)
  • Clay Hill School therapy team
  • Local authority personnel
  • Social services
  • Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO)
  • Representatives from the new provision to which the young person is transitioning

Supporting smooth transitions

We understand that transitions are about more than just helping our young people towards the next stage of their life. It is vital that we work with our pupils to ensure they have the confidence, social and independence skills required to flourish once they have transitioned.

Clay Hill School supports transitions by:

  • Helping pupils develop independence through a varied curriculum and therapeutic support
  • Offering life skills training programmes (e.g. travel training)
  • Organising college taster days (where appropriate)
  • Giving pupils plentiful and regular opportunities to formally express their opinions and preferences (including annual, interim and looked after children reviews)
  • Offering meetings with a trained careers advisor (via the school’s links with Southampton City College, Brockenhurst College and Sparsholt College) to look at their individual employment and career prospects