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Who we support

Coxlease School is a purpose-built independent specialist day school for up to 107 pupils aged between 5 and 19 years old. We support both boys and girls who have social, emotional and mental health difficulties, as well as other complex needs often associated with autistic spectrum conditions.

There are seven separate Ofsted registered children’s homes for young people between 5 and 16 years of age and one CQC registered semi-independent home for young people aged 16 to 25 years. The homes are based in rural and urban locations in the New Forest and Southampton. These young people usually attend Coxlease School. We welcome residential pupils on weekly and termly boarding placements for up to 52 weeks per year, depending on individual need.

A good school

In April 2022, Coxlease School received a ‘good’ judgement from Ofsted in all six inspection categories. We are proud of this huge achievement which places us as just one of a small number of schools nationally to receive this status. We believe this helps to position us as one of the UK’s leading behaviour-specialist schools.

An individual, inclusive approach

Many pupils at Coxlease School present with behaviours that challenge and associated learning difficulties. Some young people will have previously had negative educational experiences and so, often, will lack self-confidence. Coxlease School strives to provide young people with opportunities to make positive changes in their lives. The school believes in taking an individual, inclusive approach to each individual’s education, care, therapy and healthcare package in order to help the child develop as lifelong learners, integrate into the wider community and, ultimately, to achieve their full potential. Coxlease takes a therapy-led approach to our pupils’ academic and personal development, providing regular access to a range of therapies for all pupils (including Art, Family, Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language and Psychodynamic Therapy).

Providing a bespoke education package

Coxlease School creates a bespoke education package for each pupil, which meets their educational, therapeutic and care needs as well as addressing any barriers to learning. As a school, we aim to:

  • Promote a culture in which pupils feel safe, secure and listened to
  • Foster a positive ethos to enhance pupils’ self-esteem by celebrating success and progress
  • Provide a high level of care where interest is taken in each pupil’s well-being
  • Provide appropriate behaviour support, specialist and therapeutic intervention
  • Set boundaries and expectations so pupils learn to take responsibility for themselves and their actions
  • Provide an individualised curriculum that addresses individual pupil needs
  • Offer opportunities that broaden horizons and lead to national accreditations and certificated awards
  • Provide accommodation that is suitable for both privacy and shared activity
  • Maintain positive working relationships with all partners and stakeholders
  • Actively promote pupils’ participation in the local community
  • Value and support all members of the school community
  • Empower all staff to accept shared responsibility for the pupils in our care

Rewarding progress

We have a strong and positive reward system in place across the school to ensure that all learners are recognised for their efforts in class.

The school day is divided into 45 min sessions, with pupils receiving a grade for each session, based on their behaviour and attitude to learning. Pupils are rewarded for good behaviour with a merit, which translates into points in our school rewards system. Each pupil has their own merit account. We encourage young people to save up their merits so that they can convert them into vouchers which can be spent at Argos or Amazon. Pupils have previously used their merits to buy an iPad, fishing equipment and a remote-controlled helicopter.

Coxlease School has a range of measures in place to ensure regular, open communication between school and home. We strive to ensure that parents/carers feel involved in the care of their child by offering:

  • A same-day phone call from the school to parents/carers if there has been an incident involving their child.
  • A dedicated parent/carer liaison officer within the SLT.
  • Parental access to Class Charts, which shows achievement in lessons and up to date comments from teachers regarding behaviour and attitude within lessons and during unstructured times.
  • Email and/or telephone conversations as/when parents/carers request
  • Formal reports three times a year, detailing a young person’s academic progress
  • School open days
    and parents evenings which give parents/carers an opportunity to visit the school, meet with staff and discuss their child’s progress.
  • Parent View Forums (New for September 2021)
  • Regular celebratory school events

Working in consultation with young people

Coxlease School actively encourages its pupils to feedback on and contribute to the way that their school is run, including anti-bullying policies, activities, routines, finance and menus. We also hold children and young persons’ school council meeting termly to understand students’ views and enable them input into the school.

Regular reviews

Coxlease School is committed to supporting young people to make progress in all areas of their life during their time with us. Our regular programme of reviews brings together internal staff, external professionals, parents/carers and the young person themselves to monitor, assess and adjust the placement as required. This ensures every pupil’s academic and social welfare is effectively and efficiently promoted at all stages of their placement at Coxlease School.

Empowering young people to make a choice

We are very mindful that many of the young people at Coxlease School have anxiety-driven conditions. As such, the school trains teaching and care staff to remain calm and in control at all times. We prefer to challenge behaviour with discussion, calm talking and a consistent message. We believe this approach helps to empower our young people, helping them to understand that life is about choices: When you make the right choice, there are undoubtedly positive repercussions but there will be consequences if you actively decide to make the wrong, negative choice.  This strategy helps young people to take ownership of their own behaviours.

Giving back life chances to our young people

Whilst Coxlease is a school, and therefore academic outcomes are a high priority for us, we also understand the crucial role of learning outside of the classroom. When a young person joins us, we look at what we can achieve during their time with us in all areas of their development. Staff take the time to understand each individual’s onward pathway and how the school can best provide the necessary support to help the young person achieve their long-term life goals. Coxlease School aims to give back life opportunities to the young people in our care.

An expectation of achievement

We understand the key role our staff team play in helping our young people to fulfil their potential. Our well-trained and experienced team take the time to get to know each pupil individually so that they are better placed to motivate and inspire them, both in terms of academic and personal development.