Kingsbrook School provides places for up to 15 young people aged 11-18 years with a primary need related to their mental health diagnosis. Students can present with a range of other complex needs which may result from trauma, attachment disorders and other associated issues
Most of the students at Kingsbrook School will have an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP)
The school is specifically focused on the education of young people who are at risk from permanent exclusion, high risk behaviours and other factors that can impact upon their education
Our admissions procedure
Admissions to Kingsbrook School are on an individual basis and dependent on a detailed assessment of individual needs and the school’s ability to meet those needs
Admission is through a referral for a day or residential care placement. Residential placements can be based on 38 or 52 weeks of care
A transition plan will be implemented to enable each young person to have a smooth transition into our school. This will be after all consent forms have been received and an individual risk assessment written
A baseline assessment will take place within the first few weeks of joining the school
Book a site visit
To book your visit to come and see our school, please contact us today on 01953 852303 or by emailing kingsbrookschool@priorygroup.com