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Sedgemoor Manor School making "good academic progress"...

Aspris's Mark College (now known as Sedgemoor Manor School) in Somerset has been praised by Ofsted inspectors following its latest inspection.

Ofsted, the independent education watchdog, lauded Mark College, a special school, for its "good academic progress", "culture of inclusion and respect for others", "comprehensive policy for child protection" and how it equips pupils to "learn new life skills".

Ofsted said that "the school provides a secure and safe environment".Priory Specialist Education - Mark College

The report goes on to praise the children’s positive attitudes towards different cultures and religion; pupils commented "no one judges you" and staff "are always kind and helpful".

The inspectors also highlighted that "children and young people’s independence is promoted".

The quality of the residential accommodation was praised for its role in preparing pupils for adulthood. The College’s risk assessment procedures and safe working practices were also highly commended. Its overall Ofsted rating was "good".

Mark College is one of the UK's premier international colleges for specific learning difficulties associated with dyslexia and language disorder. It is a secondary day and residential school for boys and girls aged 10 to 19.

Welcoming the Ofsted report, the School Principal commented: "We are very pleased with this report."

"It highlights some of the real strengths of Mark College, and is a great basis from which to develop and improve, always with an eye on being outstanding."

For more details on Aspris Children's Services, please call 0118 970 8068 or click here to make an enquiry.

Chris Sweeney says:

“It highlights some of the real strengths of Mark College, and is a great basis from which to develop and improve."